If you are registered for Tech Ed Australia this year, come along to MVP Theatre to watch MVPs delivering sessions ranging from 20 minutes to the full 75 minutes. There are only 20 seats in MVP Theatre, so you need to be quick getting to the Expo Hall if you’re serious about catching an MVP Session. The Agenda for MVP Theatre is here (please watch it for last minute updates). To attend, you must be a registered delegate, so if you haven’t bought your Tech Ed ticket yet, you can register here.
I’m presenting on Wednesday from 16:00-16:30 on my pet topic generating Word Documents from LOB systems using the OpenXML SDK.
Seated attendees to MVP Theatre each receive an MVP Logo wind-up torch keyring (no battery!), so you need to be quick!
You can’t pre-register for MVP Theatre sessions; it’s first in first seated.
I’m presenting on Wednesday from 16:00-16:30 on my pet topic generating Word Documents from LOB systems using the OpenXML SDK.
Seated attendees to MVP Theatre each receive an MVP Logo wind-up torch keyring (no battery!), so you need to be quick!
You can’t pre-register for MVP Theatre sessions; it’s first in first seated.